February and the Groundhog Saw His Shadow!

I don’t know if the weather will be wintery for six more weeks, but just in case, dress appropriately so we can go outside when it’s possible.

This week in first grade:

Word Work: Antonyms (opposites)

Reading: We will be practicing our fluency through rehearsing for our Champs Assembly that is this Friday, the 10th.

Math: We will be applying all of our strategies to solve addition and subtraction story problems. We will also continue time and money.

Writing: Wee Deliver has begun and we will begin writing letters to our friends in the primary through our in-school postal system.

This Friday, the 10th, will be our class Champs Assembly. Parents are welcome to attend. It is held in our cafeteria. Students will have a note requesting that they wear their Roughneck t-shirt. Please make sure your child is here on time. We start heading up to get ready about 7:50-7:55.

Upcoming dates:

February 10-Champs Assembly at 8:00

February 10-Valentine Box due

February 13-Valentines due

February 14-Valentine Party 11:30

February 20-President’s Day Holiday

February 22-Early Student Release at 11:30

Thank you,

Mrs. Benson


Penguins Everywhere!

We are beginning our second week of our study of penguins. The students have loved it! Penguins have been immersed into our reading, writing, math, and science.

This week:

Word work: We will be identifying and using singular and plural nouns.

Guided Reading groups will continue with groups and levels changing continually. I’m super proud of the students for working hard on their reading homework and reading every day.

Math: We will continue making combinations of 10 and other higher numbers, time to hour and half-hour and coins. And as always using these skills in problem solving.

Writing: There will be no spelling this week so we can focus on process writing. The students will plan, write, edit/revise, and publish a writing piece. In this writing, they will need to revise and edit for capitals, punctuation, spelling of all sight words, and penmanship.

Dates to remember:

February 10-Champs Assembly 8:00

February 14-Valentine’s Day Party 11:30

Thank you for all you do,

Mrs. Benson



Well…The Cowboys are Out:(

The Cowboys are out but I’m still a diehard fan. That really didn’t have anything to do with this week’s lessons but I had to share with someone…

This week:

Reading: Guided Reading groups will continue. Be sure and watch for their blue Guided Reading folder to come home.

Word Work: After working with compound words last week and continuing through this week, verbs will be introduced this week.

Math: We will be reviewing and using combinations of 10 in problem solving and computation. Time and coin collections will also be practiced and assessed.

Science: Last week we began our Penguins Unit. This will continue through this week and possibly next week. We will be collecting data on different types of penguins, using what we’ve learned in measurement to compare penguins, and writing about what we’ve learned in a research-type paper.

Spelling: Students will receive 10 new spelling words on Monday and the test will be on Friday.  These words are: her, time, more, into, two, like, has, him, would, and see.

Upcoming dates to remember:

January 25- Early Student Release at 11:30

February 1-100th Day of School

February 10- Mrs. Benson’s Class’ Character Assembly 8:00

February 14- Valentine Class Party at 11:30

February 20- President’s Day and School Holiday

Thank you for all you do,

Mrs. Benson

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

With our temperatures dropping pretty low this week, please make sure that your child comes to school with a coat on. We don’t go outside if it “feels like” 35 degrees or below, but when we can go out, we are going! Please just be aware of the weather forecast.

This week in…

Reading: It’s time for the mid-year TPRI (Texas Primary Reading Inventory), so students will be tested to see their improvement in these reading/writing/comprehension skills.

Word Work: We will continue analyzing and sorting nouns and now adding adjectives to describe them. This will be assessed in their writing. We will also begin an author study of Audrey Wood. This author uses adjectives in her writing in creative ways. The class will adapt some of her writings to use their own nouns and adjectives.

Spelling: The students will receive 5 new words this week on Monday, but there will be no test on Friday. It will be next Wednesday, after the holiday.

Math: Measurement will continue, as well as, problem solving with addition and subtraction. Telling time to the hour and half/hour is being introduced and practiced.

Please be aware of some upcoming events:

January 16- School Holiday

January 25-Early Release/Faculty Inservice

February 10-Our class Champs Assembly

Thank you,

Mrs. Benson

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Break and are ready to begin an exciting New Year. Expectations will be higher as the students push through to the end of the year.  Report cards will go home this Thursday.

Reading: Students’ levels will change for their take-home reading so be sure and look for this. Remember, if they are reading something that you think is too easy, it’s to improve fluency. Some students will begin bringing home chapter books once a week. I do not expect the book to be read in one night. Simply record the chapters read on their reading log and make sure it is completed by Friday. They can bring home picture books also if they want.

Word Work: We will begin analyzing nouns and classifying them. This will lead into describing these nouns with adjectives. This will not only be our focus in our word work but also in our writing.

Math: We will begin our unit on measurement and how important it is to understand how to measure with non-standard units. We will also be introducing time to the hour and half/hour along with identification and values of coins.

Science will be blended with our shared reading and writing of Winter and weather changes.

Champs Assemblies begin this week. They are held every Friday morning at 8:00 with one particular class hosting and presenting the week’s character trait. We will be presenting in February. I will send more information home about this closer to the date.

Thank you for everything you’ve done. Our Christmas party was outstanding and thank you for all of the gifts. I had some on my desk after everyone had left that I wasn’t sure who they were from. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all have amazing kids that I am blessed to teach.

Mrs. Benson

End of the First Nine Weeks

Everyone should have received their report card. If you haven’t already signed and returned it, please do so as soon as possible. We are beginning our second nine weeks period. Hard to believe!

This week:

Word Work: We are continuing alphabetical order to the second letter.

Guided Reading: Guided Reading groups continue. Each student will be preparing for our Thanksgiving Reader’s Theater that will come up before the holiday.

Spelling: There was no test last week, so the spelling test will be Thursday.

Math: Subtraction was introduced last week, this will continue with subtraction problem solving and computation strategies.

Social Studies: We will begin studying national symbols.

Things to remember:

October 31-No costumes

November 2-Early Release at 11:30

November 18-Thanksgiving Reader’s Theater  (Time to be announced.)

November 21-25-Thanksgiving Holiday

Please email or call if you need anything. Thanks for everything you do and a special thanks to those that came to help on the field trip. We had a great time.

Mrs. Benson

4-Day Week!

This week students will have a 4-Day Week. The teachers will be having a work day on Friday to end our first nine-week grading period.

This week in:

Guided Reading: Reading will continue with some testing for end of the nine-week levels.

Word Work: Continue digraphs.

Spelling: No spelling this week.

Math: Problem solving will continue by writing our own addition storyboards and continuing to analyze shapes.

Writing: We are currently writing our class book, “Our Spooky Halloween.” We will conclude writing this during interactive writing and illustrate it for display.

Upcoming events:

October 20th-Field Trip forms/money due

October 21st-Student Holiday/End of Nine Weeks

October25th-Field Trip to Calie’s Acres

Thank you,

Mrs. Benson


Fall has begun and hopefully it will get cooler soon. We have been studying the change of seasons and how we use our senses to recognize all the changes that occur. This week we will also begin our book study of one of our favorite authors, Leo Lionni, and analyze the “changes” that occur in his writing and illustrations.

This week in…

Word work: digraphs – /sh/ /ch/ /th/ /wh/ /ph/

Reading: Guided Reading groups will continue. Be sure and look for the blue Guided Reading folder to come home. Read the book and do the activity.

Writing: Applying what we have learned in our writing. Plan-Write-Revise-Publish

Spelling: 5 new spelling words- had, not, or, one, by – Spelling test is Friday.

Math: As always we will continue to practice using our math tools with problem solving and addition. We will also begin studying and learning about our 2 dimensional shapes this week.

Upcoming Events:

October 21st-Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day

October 24-28th-Red Ribbon Week

October 25th-First Grade field trip to Calie’s Acres

October 31st-Halloween-NO COSTUMES

Thank you for all you do!

Mrs. Benson

It’s Been Awhile…

Sorry, it has been so long since my last post. Technical difficulties…I would like to take this time to thank all of the parents that came to Parent Orientation. I hope you were well informed and again if you ever have any questions, please feel free to call or email; just remember emailing is more reliable. Here is a summary of what is coming up this week in class.

Reading: Guided reading groups will continue. Your child may bring home a blue folder, labeled Guided Reading. There will be a book and/or activity to do with the book. Please read the book and record it along with their daily reading book on their reading log.

Word Work: We will continue analyzing blends and using them in our reading and writing.

Spelling: Students will receive 5 new spelling words and the test will be on Friday.

Writing: We are broadening our ways to publish and begin publishing our writing in book-style.

Math: We will compose different combinations to create a particular sum and as always use these skills in problem solving. Students will apply the number line, tens frame, and drawing a picture to solve.

Science: Read, discuss, and analyze seasonal changes.

Don’t forget Wednesday is an early release day at 11:30.

Thank you,

Mrs. Benson

First Grade Rocks!

Our first week of school was a good one.  Now it’s time to get on our daily schedule. Please check out our class schedule on this blog. You can find out when peripherals, library, lunch times, and core lessons are scheduled during the day and week.

This week:

Reading: Students will begin guided reading stations while I test students to find their reading levels. If the reader they are bringing home is too easy, read it several times to improve fluency. If it is too difficult, read it to/with them. When I conclude testing, their books will be more consistent with their ability.

Spelling: Students will be given 5 new spelling words (the, a, and, of, to) this week and will be tested on them on Friday.

Math: Students will begin using pictures and ten frames with Intentional Problem Solving. They will also be counting collections.

We will also begin an author study of Kevin Henkes and learn how to be a CHAMP through his characters.

Remember, class begins at 8:00.